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An Environmentally
Friendly Way to Enrich
Your Family's Lifestyle
Ranch Proprietors:
Howard and Cynthia Kuhlmann
Sierra Rose Alpacas, Grass Valley, California Sierra Rose Alpacas - Alpaca farm in CA Northern California alpaca clothing and farm products California alpaca farm Kids love alpacas Sacramento, CA area alpaca farm Alpaca lifestyle in California Alpacas on a California livestock farm

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Relationship of Trust with Sierra Rose Alpacas

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Alpaca Farm Boutique

Open 11am-4pm Fri. and Sun. (Nov 24 & 26) & Fridays in Dec. Enjoy a unique shopping experience, where you get to meet the alpacas whose fleece made many of the unique items in our Farm Boutique. Our Alpaca Farm Boutique offers unique alpaca gifts items, offering you and your family a great way to have a relaxing day visiting alpacas, and starting (or finishing up) your holiday shopping. We have plenty of new items on hand, as well as some of your favorites, such as the cherished Extreme Alpaca Socks. Sadly, our alpaca co-op closed so this will be the last year we offer the Extreme Alpaca Socks, both regular and boot sizes. Come get ’em while you can. They’ll last you through years of wear. We offer lots of lovely yarn from our alpacas, as well as hand-made items such as hats, gloves & scarves, designed exclusively for us, and knit by the designer, Justine Chenel, of Justine Chenel Designs. Justine is shown here sporting the Lattice Cable Hat and Mittens she designed and knit exclusively for us. These beautiful, stylish and luxurious alpaca items sell as quickly as they come in, so shop early for best selection! We take special orders too! While here, come prepared to take selfies with an alpaca or two. It is sure to be an enchanting time for you and your loved ones. We can help Santa fill your hearts and pastures with your own small herd. Santa’s Little Helper To help some of you meet your alpaca ownership dreams, we are offering year end specials on alpacas, including starter packages. These include our assistance in teaching you what you need to know to care for these beautiful and wonderful creatures. If you can’t make any of these visits out to the farm, we hope you can come see us at Victorian Christmas in historical downtown Nevada City. We’ll be on Broad street, above Pine St. It is a wonderful way to spend time out enjoying “old fashioned” holiday cheer and good tidings. When you come to visit, remember we are a ranch, so come dressed appropriately. Open rain or shine! If raining, bring your umbrella. No dogs please, or leave them in your vehicle. May you and your loved ones be safe and have a loving and joyful time together this holiday season. We are richly blessed, and among these blessings is living in such a wonderful community. We would be delighted to share some holiday cheer together with you, and hope you can stop by! Happy Thanksgiving! Warmly, Howard & Cynthia, Francesca and the rest of the herd!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Francesca’s Corner (of the pasture) Sept. 2017

Hello to All My Fans! Well, here I am again taking pen in hand (or toes, as the case may be). I have been on break for the Summer, but now it is time to get back to work. Things are going well here. Opal, my daughter, and I are beginning to put on our winter coats. We sure look better now than just after we were sheared. It was positively embarrassing to see all of our herd mates walking around in just their birthday suits. (Although I do have to say that Maverick was looking especially handsome). Now and again I see Opal checking out Crimson Knight and looking at him in that certain way, this is not good. (Editor’s note: Francesca and Opal can be quite the flirts.) Now on to serious business. I wanted to talk to you about toenails (ours, not yours). We do not have a split hoof as do many ruminants. We have two toes with nails that have to be trimmed when they grow out too long. Our wild relatives walk on hard rocky ground that keeps their nails worn to a comfortable length. We, however, have the good life (read soft) here, and so must depend on our agents/caretakers to take care of that need for us. Everyone has their nails trimmed at least once a year at shearing. Some of my girlfriends have nails that grow out so fast, that they need their pedicure more often – two to three times/year! For nail trimming, most of us will just stand while one of our agents lifts one of our legs at a time and cuts the nail level with the toe pad. While we do not like to be held in this way, we really do appreciate the results when we have our nails done. Mmm hmmm! I have even heard of alpacas having their nails colored. Hmmm, what do you think of that? Should we? Maybe I can talk my agents into that. (Editor’s note: Not likely). I’m looking forward to my fans coming out and seeing me Sept. 30 and Oct 1! Until then hugs and kisses all around. Kiss Kiss, Francesca I am available to see my fans by appointment, 530. 272.1218. Please check with my agents Howard and Cynthia for dates and times. I do hoofographs (like an autograph) for my fans and love photo-ops to show off my lovely fleece and trademark eyelashes.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

7th Annual Alpaca Farm Day Festival: Sept 30 and Oct. 1 10am-4pm each day

We invite you to join in the fun! Learn, Love, and Laugh while you visit alpacas (and us), spin a yarn, shop, relax and enjoy a bit of life at Sierra Rose AlpacJustine wearing Lacy Scarfas! Our farm gift shop and boutique will be open. As part of celebrating everything alpaca, we will have felting demo’s, spinning corner, fiber art demo’s from Farm to Fabulous (10:30am). Come learn about alpaca care and more! Check out our schedule here. Tours of the ranch will be conducted throughout the day. You will have the opportunity to meet the alpacas and to feed them. Bring your camera to take some selfies! Leave your dogs home please. We encourage beginner and advanced fiber artists to attend. If you spin, knit, crochet, or do felting, you are invited to bring your craft and share it with others. Enjoy spending time at the ranch, watching the alpacas, making new friends while sharing your art with others. 2017 Alpaca Farm Day Festival Schedule: A few highlights Saturday Only: 12pm-1pm Wet Felt Soap Class. $15 all materials supplied. Learn to wet felt soap and make your own Holiday gifts! A fun gift to make for that gardener in your life, or just a special soap that will alst for a long time. This year we have Camel Milk soap (did you know alpacas are in the camel family?) This rich moisturizing soap gets even better when alpaca fiber is felted on top! Provides a built in moisturizing wash clothe and loofah! Class size limited to 1st 10 people. Sunday Only: 11:30am -1:30pm Learn to Knit this Lacy Scarf! Justine Chenel, our wonderful knitting instructor, is offering this adv./beg class. Pre-enrollment highly suggested as class size is limited. Class costs $70 and includes 2 skeins of yarn from our alpaca, Sterling Knight. List of supplies you will need to bring will be emailed to you upon registration. At 2pm each day there will be a walk-and-talk presentation that we call ALPACAS 101. Here we will go into more details on alpaca ownership and husbandry. This will be of particular interest to those who are considering starting their own alpaca herd. AND we have specials on alpacas good through the end of October! When you buy your alpacas through us, you get our full support in learning all about their care and everything alpaca! Our farm gift shop and boutique is freshly stocked with new items, including hand-made alpaca items, cozy socks, blankets, dolls, assorted colors of yarns from our alpacas, rovings for spinners and fiber artists, gloves, hats, scarves, & gorgeous naturally fire retardant alpaca rugs, and so much more! Community Circle Plan to bring your own spinning, knitting, crochet, or fiber art project and join our Community Circle at the Festival. Need a new fiber art project? Meet new friends? We can help! Sit, chat, meet new folks and enjoy working on your project here. Join in the fun!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Francesca’s Corner May 2017

Hello to All My Fans! I know that it has been a while since I have had the opportunity to catch all of you up on the latest happenings here at Sierra Rose. One of our biggest yearly events is coming up in just two weeks—shearing! I can’t wait! I can remember back to last year, and how good it felt to get all those pounds and pounds of fiber off my back (and all my other places too). I looked so good. I was slimmed down and my coiffure made me look like a million bucks. We were all dressed up with nowhere to go. Shearing had been scheduled for a couple of weeks ago, but the weather turned cold and my owners decided to put it off. I am glad that they did because we had some nights that dipped close to freezing–Brrrrr. But let me tell you, all this fiber is becoming a burden to carry. The heat makes me sweat, my skin itches sometimes and I have to rub along the fence just to scratch the itch. The best relief is when someone comes out to turn the water hose on us. All us girls are fighting for position to get right into the water, it feels so good to get cooled down—you would think we were going through the Change. Anyway, I promise to let you know how it turns out this year. Stay in touch. Kiss Kiss, Francesca I am available to see my fans by appointment, 530. 272.1218. Please check with my agents Howard and Cynthia for dates and times. I do hoofographs (like an autograph) for my fans and love photo-ops to show off my lovely fleece and trademark eyelashes.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

New at Sierra Rose Alpaca Ranch May 2017

When visiting our ranch, one thing people notice is how our alpacas enjoy walking with us, & follow us around without the promise of a treat. Impressed? You bet! Our alpacas have learned to trust us, as we love to spend time with them, and treat them respectfully. At Sierra Rose Alpacas, we strive to create a vibrant and sustainable ranch where we breed high quality Alpacas, provide education and support to our customers, and simply enjoy all the lifestyle benefits that owning and caring for alpacas bring. Not only do alpacas provide us beautiful fiber to make lovely yarn, and unique wearable art, but their organic fertilizer helps us grown the best vegetables in our garden! It is well balanced, slow to break down, and is not “hot” (and Cynthia’s personal favorite, not very “smelly”). Also new this year, is Howard’s Dyer’s Garden – plants that we will use to dye some of our alpaca fiber, naturally. Alpacas are simply wonderful animals to be around. Many people want to enjoy the unique, wonderful alpaca as part of their lifestyle. If that’s you, we can help! Come visit our ranch and find out more about these wonderful animals. Alpacas are herd animals. And just like potato chips, you can’t have just one!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

2017 AOA National Fleece Conference

July 14–16, 2017 Marriott Rancho Cordova, Sacramento, California We are lucky to have our National Alpaca Owners of America Fleece Conference in our own backyard this year. If you have an interest in learning more about alpaca fleece and what you can do with it, plan to attend this conference! $150. It will have great educational speakers at it. Simultaneously, there is a National Fleece Show, where we submit fleece for judging in different categories. We are submitting some of our fiber for a category called a “Spin-off”. This is where a sample of our fleece is sent to a judge, and she hand-spins it into yarn. Each submission is rated for its specific qualities. If you attend, come look for our results at the spin-off competition. This portion of the Show is free to attend. We will compete against all of the U.S.alpaca owners to see just how well our breeding program is doing. We already know (through lab testing) that we have over 6 alpacas that consistently rank in the top 1% in the U.S. in several categories, including fineness. Come see us if you want to buy some of the best alpaca fiber in the U.S. We have it! Hope to see you soon! And for you alpaca breeders, we offer great rates on getting these genetics into your herd! For more information click here.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

New at the Ranch – June

Many of you have let us know of your desire to have your very own alpacas on your land. Of course, we understand how they can capture your heart!! Talk to us about what it takes to have your own small herd. Upcoming Neonatal Workshop: Aug 30th with Dr. Robin Skillman D.V.M. Sierra Rose Alpacas is proud to host this hands-on neonatal clinic Aug. 30, 2015, with Dr. Skillman D.V.M. Dr. Skillman is a highly respected camelid veterinarian that we are fortunate to have share this topic with us. This Clinic is a must-have for all alpaca breeders! Even if you have had many healthy cria in the past, this workshop will help you gain more insight and knowledge on alpaca birthing. The goals of this class are to aid the owner in getting the dam ready for gestation; maintain a healthy pregnancy; produce a live cria and get that cria and mother off to a good start together. The morning session will be lecture and presentation. The afternoon session includes hands-on lab on how to identify and correct dystocia’s (cria not presenting correctly for normal birth). Lunch is included. Class size limited. There is a lot of demand for this clinic, so register early as there are only 6 seats left. When: Aug 30, 2015 (Sunday) Time: 10:00a.m. – 4:00pm Where: Sierra Rose Alpacas 530-272-1218 Cost: $150, and $125 for additional participants from the same farm (one course-book per farm). The price of the workshop is refundable should the attendee purchase alpacas or breedings to any of Sierra Rose Alpacas fully owned herd sires. Clinic is free to Sierra Rose Alpaca clients who have purchased dams from us. For more information, and to enroll, click here. Payment is required to confirm your place in this Clinic.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Francesca’s Corner – June

Hi there, this is Camille (seen at right). I’m writing in Francesca’s place because she is a little out of sorts right now. Her cria ( is due to be “unpacked” in the next week or so, and she is just plain ‘ol grumpy with it being hot and her being due any day now. Also, I think that she is worried about her new cria because of what happened last year with her little Opal—what with their visit to the doctor and all. But I think it will be just fine! After all, we have such good care here, no matter what goes on. NEWS FLASH! Our suri friend Willow just delivered her first cria a few days ago. He is a cute little boy who looks just like her. Her delivery also required assistance, as I am told he was not lined up properly (called a dystocia) and needed help “unpacking” too. Thank goodness both are doing well now. I am so glad that I am not a first-time mom. It is so much easier after the first one. Alpaca babyIn fact, I just delivered my third baby two weeks ago and is she ever special! My agents will be including several pictures of her. She was born at more than 18 pounds and has been on the move ever since (except at weigh-in time). Her blanket is a gorgeous reddish-gray. Her feet and tail have just tons of white and gray mixed in. And her little white face (with a dark smudge) is just adorable. You are welcome to see her on the first Sunday of July (July 5th) at the Christmas in July event. Francesca wanted to make sure I told you she is still available for her fans to come see her and her new cria – who is sure to be (almost) as cute as my little Velvet Rose. Cheers! Camille I am available to see my fans by appointment, 530. 272.1218. Please check with my agents Howard and Cynthia for dates and times. I do hoofographs (like an autograph) for my fans and love photo-ops to show off my lovely fleece and trademark eyelashes. Kiss Kiss, Francesca

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Cria Checking Things Out